went to barcamp!

Went to a barcamp event recently. That was a lot of fun and super interesting! It’s an unconference, so all of the sessions are organized that morning democratically, instead of far in advance (and very top down) like most conferences. There’s a tech focus to a lot of it but there’s plenty of non tech sessions. I like that it becomes much more welcoming that way! Here’s the sessions from the barcamp I attended.

I’m hoping to present at barcamp next year. I was thinking about it for this year but it didn’t quite work out. I might give a talk about permacomputing next time.

Permacomputing is both a concept and a community of practice oriented around issues of resilience and regenerativity in computer and network technology inspired by permaculture.

I’ve been attending a lot of the permacomputing events at iffy books in the past year and a half. Iffy really helped in inspiring me to try all kinds of different things with tech. It was really liberating when I stopping trying to make different potential tech projects align with my career. I think it actually helps prevent burnout when personal projects are completely different from what you do for work.